The fight for bodily autonomy is where we all have have common ground. Our friends, our family, and ourselves are impacted by the repeated attacks on every individual’s right to own their own body. Join others who demand we uphold basic freedoms and preserve what makes America stronger: Liberty and Justice For All!

Take action today, and start by sharing why freedom for every body is important to you!

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justice is
community care.

Thriving Together

Reproductive health care, from contraception and prenatal care to abortion access, is essential for individuals, families, and communities. We believe access to these services strengthens our communities and empowers everyone to make decisions about their bodies and their futures.



Transgender people deserve to live authentically and access life-saving gender-affirming healthcare. We advocate for policies that end discrimination and ensure transgender individuals have the same rights and protections as everyone else.

is Revolutionary.


LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. We celebrate the diversity of love and work towards a future where LGBTQ+ people can live openly, free from fear and discrimination. Queer liberation is a movement for a more just and equitable world for everyone.


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Upload or link a
video with your WHY.

What does freedom to own your own body mean to you? Why is it important for others to have that freedom? Share your response (either in text or a 30-90 second video) with others looking to advance freedom for every body!


Here are more ways
to fight for freedom!

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Oppose Anti-Freedom Laws

North Carolina’s HB 2 and HB 574 were just the beginning of the government’s attempts to restrict trans bodies. Abortion access is already heavily restricted with targeted regulation of ....

Change the Guard

We can remove politicians who are hostile toward bodily autonomy with the power of the ballot box. Register to vote and turn up at the polls to kick them to the curb and put in place allies who pledge to defend our right to unbias ....

Go Against the Grain

Artistic interventions, civil disobedience/public performance, and other non-electoral strategies make our stories visible and connect us to potential new allies. Activate your unorthodox ideas! Organize collaborators! Make culture that changes culture!

Additional Freedoms
For Every Body

Disability Rights: 

People with disabilities must have equal access to healthcare, accommodations, and the freedom to live independently.

Healthcare Access:

Quality, affordable healthcare should be a right for all, regardless of income, zip code, or pre-existing conditions.

Fighting White Supremacy:

Racism is a public health crisis. We must actively work to dismantle the systemic oppression that threatens the bodily safety of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

Immigrant Rights:

Immigrants are vital to our communities. We believe in fair and accessible pathways to citizenship and an end to harmful detention practices.


Immigrants are vital to our communities. We believe in fair and accessible pathways to citizenship and an end to harmful detention practices.

10 Ways You can Take Action

Your voice matters – use it at the local, state, and federal levels!
Share your stance on bodily autonomy issues with your elected officials.
Shape policy directly by taking on a leadership role in your community.
Support organizations fighting for bodily autonomy.
Dedicate your skills and energy to campaigns and nonprofits.
Make your voice heard in public demonstrations.
Have respectful but firm conversations with people who disagree.

Speak up against harmful language and acts of exclusion.

Stay informed about current legislation and advocacy efforts.
Share information and encourage others within your network.